Saturday, September 12, 2009

A few more...

I am just finishing up these pictures and needed to post a few more:)

Can you believe the blue eyes on these two?

This little man, was cracking me up with some of the facial expressions we got!
Before we finished mom wanted a couple of pictures of her Sienna's birth mark. She said it was a little heart on her bum. was a perfect little heart right on her cheek! (Don't cabbage patches have hearts on their bums?) It is so sweet! This picture doesn't really show the heart shape all that well, because her cheeks are a little squishy, but it is a perfect heart shape...crazy!


Howells Fam said...

I hope their eyes stay that way, they're gorgeous! Great job on the pictures, she's going to just love them!

Alexis said...

Such great pictures - that baby boy's face cracked me up - so cute!